Filter CERTOOLS F704-C-1 M10 Acme adapter

CERTOOLS - Filter CERTOOLS F704-C-1 M10 Acme adapter  
For filling point:CERTOOLS, TOMASETTO
For filling point with thread:M10
product code:55.VAL.917
manufacturer: CERTOOLS
category:Refueling adapters CERTOOLS
manufacturer code:NGK97999
approval number: E4-67R-010196
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gross: 48,88
net: 39,74 €


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Filter CERTOOLS F704-C-1 M10 Acme adapterProduct code: 55.VAL.917

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Product description:

Adapter with a filter, for the filler of the Italian company Tomasetto for a German, Belgian (ACME) refueling gun.

Description of use:

Refueling adapter for gas fillers with M10 internal thread, necessary for gas refueling in Germany, Belgium and Ireland.

Technical specifications:

Metal refueling reducer with CF-110 sintered bronze filter. With a total length of 133 millimeters, screwed onto the M10 thread to the filler, on the other end it ends with a knurled thread with an outer diameter of 43.6 millimeters for the ACME type gun.


For filling point: CERTOOLS, TOMASETTO
For filling point with thread: M10
Filter: Yes


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