Nwka 1,8 drill

WARSZTAT - Nwka 1,8 drill  
product code:90.WAR.419
manufacturer: WARSZTAT
category:For workshops WARSZTAT
manufacturer code:NWKa 1.8
approval number: PN-86/M-59601
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gross: 1,29
net: 1,05 €


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Nwka 1,8 drillProduct code: 90.WAR.419

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Product description:

Twist drills with a cylindrical shank for general use steel and cast iron, made by rolling.

Description of use:

In this category, we present cylindrical profi NWKa drill bits, intended for professional use and dedicated to professionals with the highest requirements

Technical specifications:

Drill with a nominal diameter of 1.8 millimeters. Each NWKa drill bit is made of high-speed HSS steel, which ensures long life and durability of the tools and enables precise machining. NWKa drill bits are designed for machining steel and cast iron. These are indispensable tools that should be in the supply of every professional.


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