230/450 1491 mm STAKO tank frame

for tank with a capacity:230 l
For tank with a diameter:450 mm
product code:76.STA.787
manufacturer: STAKO
category:Tanks and accessories STAKO
manufacturer code:S01450230
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gross: 92,61
net: 75,30 €


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230/450 1491 mm STAKO tank frameProduct code: 76.STA.787

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Product description:

Mounting frame for a cylindrical tank manufactured by Stako with bands and a mounting bag, for tanks with a diameter of 450 and a capacity of 230 dm 3

Description of use:

Elements intended for mounting a cylindrical, cylindrical tank to the floor of the trunk of a car. Homologated with the tank mount for safe and long-term use.

Technical specifications:

Length 1491mm, width 240mm


W skład zestawu wchodzą: ramka, z taśmami mocowania zbiornika oraz woreczek z niezbędnymi elementami mocowania.

Przeznaczona do zbiornika o pojemności wodnej 230 litrów i średnicy nominalnej 450 milimetrów, długość 1491 milimetrów.


for tank with a capacity: 230 l
For tank with a diameter: 450 mm


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