045/270 855 mm STAKO tank frame

for tank with a capacity:45 l
For tank with a diameter:270 mm
product code:90.WAR.161
manufacturer: STAKO
category:Tanks and accessories STAKO
manufacturer code:Z350257
approval number: P1 NSF Reg. 123000
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gross: 53,18
net: 43,23 €


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045/270 855 mm STAKO tank frameProduct code: 90.WAR.161

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Product description:

The original frame of the cylindrical, cylindrical tank of the Polish company STAKO Sp. z o. o

Description of use:

Elements intended for mounting a cylindrical cylindrical tank to the floor of the trunk of a car. Homologated with the tank mount for safe and long-term use.

Technical specifications:

Frame made of steel elements painted black, with holes for screws fixing to the vehicle floor and two bands made of steel tape designed to hold the tank on the frame.


W skład zestawu wchodzą: ramka, z taśmami mocowania zbiornika oraz woreczek z niezbędnymi elementami mocowania.

Przeznaczona do zbiornika o pojemności wodnej 45 litrów i średnicy nominalnej 270 milimetrów, długość 855 milimetrów.


for tank with a capacity: 45 l
For tank with a diameter: 270 mm


Ask about the product: 045/270 855 mm STAKO tank frame


Availability notification: 045/270 855 mm STAKO tank frame



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